Diet Help For Everyone

Diet Help For Those Who Haven't Had Much Success

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dietary habits and choices play a very important role in our health today. The difference between eating fast food for breakfast vs cooking turkey BLT makes a difference long term. I expressed earlier that i have a Ipod. Well i have the Ipod Touch on which i have a calorie counter and exercise program. On the calorie counter i can look up any food from steaks to Burger King hamburgers. That actually helps. My friend is on the diet (i forgot the name of it) where you are allotted a certain amount of points per day and week, which the points are calculated by total calories. I'm sorry i have three programs for weight loss help. I have I Watcher which converts calories to points. Gym Buddy, a program that helps you with your workout that has video attached to show the correct way to get the workout done. Lastly i have Calorie Check, the calorie checking program that checks almost any food available.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Are there any nutritionist out there who knows about the different diet pills. Which ones work, which ones dont, which give more weight than lost, or event which work. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. thanks
What exactly are the diet basics. Oh and has anyone tried natural cures

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anyone that is experienced in losing weight needed to reply. Im a 32 year old man. 6 ft 205 and out of shape stomach wise. What do i need to get rid of the stomach. I dont drink or smoke. What tips and guidelines do i need to follow to achieve my goal.

Friday, January 30, 2009

if anyone has a ipod there is a program i use for workouts. If anyone knows any other ways , excercises or websites that can be visited please reply. If you have a ipod or ipod touch you can go to itunes to find those programs. The one i use shows about 7 different excercises and also has video to give a visual example on the correct way to do those excersises.

Monday, December 22, 2008

We all need help in one point in our life. My wife needs help to lose weight. Any suggestions on losing about 15 - 20 lbs in about 4 months. Thanks

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Any testimonials for products that actually work. I think the best way to lose weight is the old fashioned way. Just work out. You don t need a gym membership to do situps, crunches. pushups. and other excercises. I dont know if there actually is a so called easy way to work out.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

If anyone knows any new or old diet system that they can testify that it works. I would like to hear about it. My wife has tried some of everything from pills to the cabbage soup diet. Any and all posts will help.